About Us
Pohutukawa Party Manafesto
Greeting all, we are the Pohutukawa Party who are running for the 2020 MHJC Water Whanau election. We would like to create changes in several aspects both in New Zealand and water Whanau. For this, we have created numerous “new” policies. These policies incorporate the environment, tourism and both the upcoming referendums 
(Cannabis and euthanization). Not only are we creating policies but we are trying to solve issues/problems in MHJC; specifically Water Whanau by listening to the students' issues and taking actions. We want to improve and change positivity in the environment, we want to help the tourism industries through these difficult times, we must have a say in our opinions in terms of the upcoming referendums. By these changes which the Pohutukawa Party will enforce, we will improve the way all individuals who live in New Zealand and all students experience throughout their time in MHJC. Afterall, this is your Whanau, so your voice! Remember “Think once, think twice, think Pohutukawa”!
Party Leader
Tanvi Dass